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Morning Mist over Forest

We are focused on boosting productivity through value addition

We aim to develop small to medium scale mining activities across a number of minerals, with a strong focus on battery related minerals in order to support or advance the industrialisation of economies across Africa.


At the core of our strategy is the adoption of safe, innovative and environmentally friendly mining practices that not only build local economies but consciously protect the land for future generations.

Our strategic focus

At the core of our operations are three main areas we are passionate about:

Mineral production

Zero emissions

In partnership with our parent company: Sunbrill we are actively working towards lowering our environmental impact by using biofuels and promoting the use of biofuels by our contractors. We are participating in the research and development of more efficient biofuels that improve productivity and reduce machinery wear and tear.

Mineral processing


Our focus is helping African economies, gain the most from their mineral wealth, whilst improving the overall global supply chain. Through our subsidiaries, we build processing plants for a number of minerals.

African Village

Community development

We aim to ensure the ultimate beneficiaries of our operations are the locals, creating jobs, improving infrastructure and services. We work with local chiefs, councillors and people to learn how we can help create and grow local economies.

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